APPENDIX II-AO:  Mun, et al, Effects of Cypermethrin on the Dopaminergic Neurons in the Progressive Hemiparkinsonian Rats, Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, 15:6, 399 - 404


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Effects of Cypermethrin on the Dopaminergic Neurons

in the Progressive Hemiparkinsonian Rats

Ji Young Mun a; Won Yong Lee b; Sung Sik Han a

a Lab. of Cell Engineering & 3-D Structure, School of Life Sciences and

Biotechnology, Korea University. Seoul. Korea

b Department of Neurology, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University

School of Medicine. Seoul. Korea

To cite this Article: Mun, Ji Young, Lee, Won Yong and Han, Sung Sik , 'Effects of

Cypermethrin on the Dopaminergic Neurons in the Progressive Hemiparkinsonian

Rats', Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, 15:6, 399 - 404

To link to this article: DOI: 10.1080/15376520500194742



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Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, 15: 399–404, 2005

Copyright c _ Taylor & Francis LLC

ISSN: 1537-6524 print / 1537-6516 online

DOI: 10.1080/15376520500194742

Effects of Cypermethrin on the Dopaminergic Neurons

in the Progressive Hemiparkinsonian Rats

Ji Young Mun

Lab. of Cell Engineering & 3-D Structure, School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology,

Korea University, Seoul 136-701, Korea

Won Yong Lee

Department of Neurology, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine,

Seoul 120-752, Korea

Sung Sik Han

Lab. of Cell Engineering & 3-D Structure, School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology,

Korea University, Seoul 136-701, Korea

Cypermethrin is a potent pesticide derived from natural

pyrethrin of the chrysanthemum plant. Cypermethrin has been

known to modulate the blood-brain barrier and induce oxidative

stress in rats. The oxidative stresses leading to increased reactive

oxygen species generation have been identified within the degeneration

of the dopaminergic (DA) neuron. However, in testing cypermethrin

for its relationship to the degeneration of DA neurons, an

experimental study has not yet been done.

This study was designed to investigate the effects of cypermethrin

on the DA neurons in the substantia nigra of normal and

progressive hemiparkinsonian rats. The degree of degeneration of

DA neurons was evaluated by tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunohistochemistry

and forepaw adjusting step (FAS) test.

The administration of cypermethrin (15 and 75 mg/kg/day) to

the normal rats for 15 days did not decrease the number of THimmunopositive

(TH-IP) DA neurons in the substantia nigra. However,

the low dose (15 mg/kg/day) of cypermethrin enhanced the

rate of decline ofDAneurons in the substantia nigra of hemiparkinsonian

rats at 10 days and 3 weeks (p < 0.05). Also, the number of

FAS in cypermethrin-treated hemiparkinsonian rats was reduced

more rapidly than that of cypermethrin not-treated hemiparkinsonian

rats at 10 days, 3 weeks, and 6 weeks (p < 0.05).

These results suggest that cypermethrin per se cannot directly

induce the degeneration of DA neurons but can accelerate a toxic

These two authors contributed equally to this work.

This work was supported by a grant from the Korea University and

grant No. R01-2001-000-00344-0 from the Korea Science & Engineering


Address correspondence to Won Yong Lee, M.D. and Ph.D., Department

of Neurology, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan

University School of Medicine, Seoul 135-710, Korea. E-mail: Sung Sik Han, Ph.D., Cell Engineering

& 3-D Structure Laboratory, Graduate School of Life Sciences

and Biotechnology, Korea University, Seoul 136-701, Korea. E-mail:

effect on the degeneration of DA neurons in the progressive hemiparkinsonian



Cypermethrin is a potent pesticide derived from natural

pyrethrin of the chrysanthemum plant (Crawford et al. 1981).

Due to its effective insecticidal properties and low mammalian

toxicity as a result of rapid metabolism, cypermethrin is currently

widely used (Hayes et al. 1991). However, a liberal use of

pyrethroids increases the risk of intoxication to nontarget organisms

(Crawford et al. 1981; Malaviya et al. 1993). Cypermethrin

is essentially a sodium channel toxin. Modified channels through

cypermethrin cause stable repetitive firing, depolarization, and

conduction block (Narahashi et al. 1992). Furthermore, it antagonizes

γ -aminobutyric acid (GABA)—mediated inhibition,

modulates nicotinic cholinergic transmission, and markedly enhances

adrenaline and noradrenalin release (Aldridge 1990).

Cypermethrin induces the blood-brain barrier permeability of

neonatal rats, and it takes a long period of time, after its withdrawal,

for the rats to completely recover (Gupta et al. 1999).

Additionally, cypermethrin has been reported to induce oxidative

stress in rats (Kale et al. 1999; Giray et al. 2001).

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a commonmovement disorder associated

with degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia

nigra and a corresponding loss of dopamine in the basal

ganglia (Bernheimer et al. 1973; Hornykiewicz and Kish 1986).

Although the cause of PD has yet to be accurately discovered,

the environmental or endogenous agents leading to oxidative

damage might contribute to the degeneration of dopaminergic

(DA) neurons. The oxidative stresses leading to increased reactive

oxygen species generation have been identified within the


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400 MUN ET AL.

degeneration of the DA neuron (Sian et al. 1994). Specifically,

the idea of environmental involvement comes from experimental

and epidemiological research that suggests pesticides might play

a role in the neurodegenerative process leading to idiopathic PD

(Bocchetta and Corsini 1986; Barbeau et al. 1987; Koller et al.

1990; Semchuk et al. 1992, 1993; Hubble et al. 1993; Beate and

Fei 2000; Betarbet et al. 2000). However, in testing cypermethrin

for its relationship to the degeneration of DA neurons, an

experimental study has not yet been done.

6-Hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) is a hydroxylated analog of

the natural dopamine neurotransmitter, which induces the motor

impairment of PD by the degeneration of DA neurons in animals

(Ungerstedt 1968;Kostrzewa et al. 1974). Aecent study reported

that intrastriatal injection of 6-OHDA could produce the progressive

degeneration of DA neurons in rat models (Sauer and

Oertel 1994; Przedborski et al. 1995; Lee et al. 1996). 6-OHDA

induces nigrostriatal dopaminergic lesions via the generation

of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Kumar et al. 1995). Additionally,

the enzymatic and nonenzymatic self auto-oxidation

responses to decrease ROS further induce oxidative stress (Hall

et al. 1992).

In order to examine the effects of cypermethrin on the degeneration

of DA neurons, the degeneration ratio of DA neurons

and the behavior of the experimental rats were examined after

an administration of cypermethrin to normal and progressive

hemiparkinsonian rats induced by 6-OHDA. For the behavioral

experiment, we used the non–drug-induced forepaw adjusting

step (FAS) test, which reflects akinesia of PD and has been successfully

applied in pharmacological, transplantation, and gene

therapy studies (Olsson et al. 1995, Chang et al., 1999, Lee et al.

2000, Kirik et al. 2002). The purpose of this experiment is to see

if there is a direct relationship between cypermethrin and the

degeneration of DA neurons by using progressive hemiparkinsonian




The in vivo protocols were approved by the Institutional Animal

Care and Use Committee of the Korea University. Male

Sprague–Dawley rats weighing about 200 to 250 g were used

as subjects (N=84). Animals had free access to food and water

through the experiment and were maintained on a 12 h light-dark


Progressive Hemiparkinsonian Rat Model

For dopamine depletion, rats (N=48) were anesthetized with

a mixture of ketamine (75 mg/kg), acepromazine (0.75 mg/kg),

and xylazine (3.8 mg/kg). In order to spare noradrenergic neurons,

a desipramine (12.5 mg/kg) (Sigma, USA) was injected intraperitoneally

30 minutes prior to lesioning. To produce the progressive

degeneration of DA neurons in rat models, we injected

6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA; Sigma, USA) into the striatum.

As previously described for the intrastriatal lesion (Przedborski

et al. 1995), 17.5 µg (free base weight) of 6-OHDA was infused

unilaterally in 3.5 µL of normal saline at a rate of 0.75 µL/min

at the following coordinates: incisor bar 3.3 mm, AP 0.5 mm,

ML 2.5 mm relative to bregma, and 5.5 mm from the dura

(Paxinos and Watson 1998).

Administration of Cypermethrin

In the first set of experiments, the effect of cypermethrin on

healthy DA neurons was investigated with normal nonlesioned

rats (N=36). Cypermethrin was dissolved in corn oil (Cantalamessa

et al. 1998) and administered orally via intragastric

tube to normal nonlesioned rats with two different doses of 15

mg/kg/day (1/50 of LD50, N=12) or 75 mg/kg/day (1/10 of

LD50, N=12) for 15 days. For the control, rats of the same age

(N=12) were administered with an equal amount of corn oil

without cypermethrin.

In the second set of experiments, the effects of cypermethrin

on the previously insultedDAneurons by6-OHDA, which correspond

to the case of Parkinson’s disease, was investigated with

the progressive hemiparkinsonian rat model (N=48). Cypermethrin

15 mg/kg/day (1/50 of LD50, N=24) was given to

the progressive hemiparkinsonian rats a day after lesioning (the

injection of 6-OHDA). The cypermethrin-treated hemiparkinsonian

rats were divided into four groups according to duration of

cypermethrin administration: 0, 10 days, 3 weeks, and 6 weeks

(N=6 for each). For the control, the hemiparkinsonian rats were

administered with an equal amount of corn oil without cypermethrin

(N=6 for each, same as cypermethrin-treated group).

Behavioral Analysis: Forepaw Adjusting Step Test

For the behavioral experiment, we used the non–druginduced

forepaw adjusting step (FAS) test, which reflects akinesia

of PD (Olsson et al. 1995, Chang et al. 1999). For the FAS

test, the experimenter held the rat’s hindlimbs and one forepaw,

so that the animal must bear its weight solely with the strength

of its opposing forepaw. As the treadmill moved (in a lateral

direction with respect to the anterior-posterior orientation of the

animal), the rat adjusted its free forepaw, or “step,” in order to

maintain its balance. Steps were counted manually for each interval,

as described in previous studies (Chang et al. 1999; Lee

et al. 2003). One cycle using our motorized treadmill is set to

90 cm/ 12 seconds (Boowon Instrument, Seoul, Korea). The

stepping numbers over five cycles were then averaged for each


FAS test was done at 0 and 15 days after cypermethrin administration

for the first set of experiments, and 0, 10 days, 3

weeks, and 6 weeks after cypermethrin administration for the

second set of experiments.

Tyrosine Hydroxylase (TH) Immunohistochemistry

Rats were anesthetized at 0, 15 days (for first set of experiments),

or 0, 10 days, 3 weeks, and 6 weeks (for second set of

experiments) after cypermethrin administration. Anesthetized

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rats were transcardially perfused with 125 mL of normal saline

followed by 250 mL of ice-cold 4% paraformaldehyde. The

perfusion-fixed brain was quickly removed and further fixed in

4 _ for 15 to 24 h. The fixed material was treated with a 30%

sucrose solution to prevent ice crystal formation, embedded in

OCT compound (Sakura, Torrance, CA) and quickly frozen.

Sections in 30µmthickness were made using a rotary microtome

HM 340E (Microm International GmbH, Germany). Immunohistochemistry

of the DA neurons was performed as follows

(Towle et al. 1984): Following two rinses in tris-saline (TS), the

endogenous peroxidase activity was quenched for 15 minutes

in 0.6% H2O2. After rinsing in TS, sections were preincubated

for 30 minutes in 0.6% Triton X-100 with 1% bovine serum

albumin and transferred to a 1:200 dilution of primary mouse

antityrosine hydroxylase (TH; Chemicon, CA). Following a 12-

to 18-h incubation at 4 _, the sections were rinsed in TS, incubated

in a 1:200 dilution of antimouse IgG (Sigma, MO) for

1h, rinsed repeatedly and incubated in ABC solution (DAKO,

Carpinteria, CA) for 20 minutes. Finally, 3-3’-diaminobenzidine

(Sigma, MO) served as a chromogen in the subsequent visualization


Tyrosine Hydroxylase-Immunopositive Cell Count

Thirty serial sections (30 µmthickness) within the substantia

nigra in the midbrain (Paxinos andWatson 1998) were used for

cell counting. The tyrosine hydroxylase-immunopositive (THIP)

neurons were counted by three experimenters individually

and averaged. Only one experimenterwas aware of the treatment

condition. The TH-IP neurons, in which the nucleus is totally

visible, were counted (Dwight et al. 1993) using an Axioskope

2 light microscope (Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH, Germany). There

was no significant individual variation.


The number of TH-IP neurons in the substantia nigra of normal

nonlesioned rats (N=12 for each group)

Control Cypermethrin Cypermethrin

(corn oil) 15 mg/kg 75 mg/kg

Rat 1 2386 2399 2372

Rat 2 2466 2428 2578

Rat 3 2310 2379 2446

Rat 4 2444 2447 2410

Rat 5 2377 2369 2389

Rat 6 2412 2417 2412

Rat 7 2421 2399 2383

Rat 8 2425 2438 2394

Rat 9 2389 2394 2392

Rat 10 2391 2368 2380

Rat 11 2411 2432 2361

Rat 12 2395 2378 2371

Mean ± SEM 2402.2 ± 11.22 2404 ± 8.03 2407.3 ± 16.84

Cell numbers represent the bilateral number of cells; 30 serial sections

(30 µm thick) were used for cell counting.

Statistical Analysis

All data represented the mean ± standard error of mean

(SEM). SPSS (version 9) program forWindows was used for the

statistical analysis.To compare the FAS and number of dopaminergic

neurons in the two sides of the brain came from the same

animal, we used the paired t test. The t test was used in comparing

cypermethrin-treated hemiparkinsonian rats and nontreated

hemiparkinsonian rats. Post hoc, multiple comparisons between

FAS means were performed using Dunnet’s test. The individual

p value was adjusted by multiplying the comparison number to

correct type 1 error rate (Rosner 1995). The adjusted p value of

<0.05 was defined as significant.


Effects of Cypermethrin on the Healthy DA Neurons of

Nonlesioned Rats

The average number of tyrosine hydroxylaseimmunopositive

(TH-IP) neurons in the control rats, cypermethrin

15 mg/kg-treated rats, and cypermethrin 75 mg/kgtreated

rats was 2402.2 ± 11.22 (mean ± SEM), 2404 ± 8.03,

and 2407.3 ± 16.84, respectively (Table 1). The FAS test was

not different among the groups (data were not shown).

These results suggest that even high doses of cypermethrin

per se cannot directly induce the degeneration of DA neurons.

We also investigated the number of Purkinje cells in the cerebellar

hemisphere by using paraffin section and HE staining.

There was no difference of the number of Purkinje cells between

control and cypermethrin-treated groups (data were not

shown). Additionally, in high doses (75 mg/kg) of cypermethrintreated

groups, 2 or 3 hours after treatment, abnormal reactions

such as severe convulsive movement, salivation, and unstable

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402 MUN ET AL.


The number of TH-IP neurons in the substantia nigra of the hemiparkinsonian rats at

different time points after cypermethrin

Cypermethrin not-treated rats Cypermethrin-treated rats

Ipsilateral Contralateral Ipsilateral Contralateral

0 week 1223.7 ± 13.03 1238.8 ± 14.32 1216.3 ± 20.71 1226.3 ± 24.24

10 days 968.2 ± 14.47 1279.2 ± 16.61 797.8 ± 35.2 1188 ± 38.0

3 weeks 754.5 ± 12.21 1144.7 ± 28.6 731.5 ± 13.63 __________1184 ± 21.07

6 weeks 725 ± 9.21 1225 ± 16.0 683.5 ± 26.23 1233 ± 29.13

Data represent mean ± SEM.

p < 0.05 ; t test, Dunnet’s post hoc test, compared with cypermethrin not-treated rats.

posture began to appear, but most reactions stopped after 4 to 5


Effects of Cypermethrin on the DA Neurons of the

Progressive Hemiparkinsonian Rats

In the control (not cypermethrin-treated rats), the number of

TH-IP neurons in the ipsilateral side to 6-OHDA injection was

gradually decreased in process of time (1223.7±13.03 at 0 days,

968.2 ± 14.47 at 10 days, 754.5 ± 12.21 at 3 weeks, and 725

± 9.21 at 6 weeks). Furthermore, in the cypermethrin-treated

group, the number of TH-IP neurons in the ipsilateral side to 6-

OHDA injection was more rapidly decreased with time course

(1216.3 ± 20.71 at 0 days, 797.8 ± 35.2 at 10 days, 731.5 ± 13.63 at 3 weeks, and 683.5 ± 26.23 at 6 weeks). The number

FIG. 1. The effect of cypermethrin on forepaw adjusting steps in hemiparkinsonian rats. The numbers of steps were counted over 90 cm in 12 seconds. The

time means a week. Cy ipsi, ipsilateral side of the cypermethrin-treated parkinsonian rat; Cy contra, contralateral side of the cypermethrin-treated parkinsonian rat;

PD ipsi, ipsilateral side of the cypermethrin not-treated hemiparkinsonian rat; PD contra, contralateral side of the cypermethrin not-treated hemiparkinsonian rat.

p < 0.05; t test, Dunnet’s post hoc test, compared with cypermethrin not-treated rats.

of TH-IP neurons in the ipsilateral side to 6-OHDA injection

at 10 days and 3 weeks was significantly less in cypermethrintreated

group than those in the control (p <0.05, Table 2). However,

the number of TH-IP neurons in the contralateral side to

6-OHDA injection was not different between the control and

cypermethrin-treated group (Table 2).

The number of FAS in the controlwas 18.40±0.40 at 0 days,

16.32 ± 0.17 at 10 days, 12.90 ± 0.22 at 3 weeks, and 10.63

±0.45 at 6 weeks. Comparatively, cypermethrin-treated parkinsonian

rats had the following results: 18.88 ± 0.15 at 0 days,

14.98 ± 0.59 at 10 days, 10.77 ± 0.71 at 3 weeks, and 10.54

± 0.52 at 6 weeks. Compared with the control group, the number

of FAS in cypermethrin-treated groups had reduced more

rapidly, especially at 10 days and 21 days (p < 0.05, Fig. 1).

Otherwise, the number of FAS in relation to the side of the brain

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unaffected by 6-OHDA was not different between the control

and cypermethrin-treated group (p >0.05, Fig. 1).

These results suggest that cypermethrin can enhance the rate

of decline of DA in the progressive hemiparkinsonian rats.

Administration of cypermethrin did not result in any body

weight loss of the animals.


In this study, in order to examine if cypermethrin can independently

induce the degeneration of dopaminergic (DA) neurons,

nonlesioned normal rats were treated with cypermethrin for 15

days, and then the number of DA neurons in the substantia nigra

(SN) was compared with that of the cypermethrin nontreated

rats. However, there were no significant differences between

them. These results suggested that cypermethrin per se could

not induce the degeneration of healthy dopaminergic neurons.

On the other hand, in the study on the effect of cypermethrin

on the previously insulted dopamine neurons by 6-OHDA, the

number of DA neurons in the SN of the cypermethrin-treated

hemiparkinsonian rats was more rapidly decreased with time

course. Moreover, compared to the cypermethrin nontreated

hemiparkinsonian rats, the forepaw adjusting step number of the

cypermethrin-treated hemiparkinsonian rats was more reduced.

These behavioral deficits were corresponding to the degeneration

ofDAneurons, suggesting the progress of PD. These results

offer that cypermethrin could accelerate the degeneration of DA

neurons combined with oxidative stress induced by 6-OHDA.

Indeed, a modulation of the blood-brain barrier by cypermethrin

could easily induce changes that might influence the

integrity of DA and other neuron types throughout the brain.

Condes-Lara et al. reported that repeated exposure to cypermethrin

(300 mg/kg i.p. dose, belowtheLD50value) could cause

paroxysmal epileptic activity (Condes-Lara et al. 1999). However,

there was no report that repeated convulsion derives the

degeneration of dopaminergic neurons, and any correlation of

epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease has not been reported yet. Our

study showed that even high doses (75 mg/kg/day) of cypermethrin

did not damage the dopaminergic neurons in normal

nonlesioned rats even though they showed convulsive movement.

Therefore, we assume that cypermethrin-induced convulsive

movement could not induce the degeneration of dopaminergic


In this study, although cypermethrin could not directly degenerate

healthy DA neurons, the administration of cypermethrin to

the progressive hemiparkinsonian rats accelerated the degeneration

of previously insulted DA neurons.

To date, it has been found that when adult rats are treated with

cypermethrin, oxidative stress in the central nervous system is

induced even after cerebral development has terminated, which

can generate motor disturbances (Giray et al. 2001). These results

suggest that cypermethrin could induce the degeneration

of cerebral tissue and cells having dopamine receptors.

Because of the high basal ROS level in DA neurons

by 6-OHDA or 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine

(MPTP) (Rios and Tapia 1987; Hall et al. 1992; Hirsch et al.

1997), monoamine oxidases induce the formation of hydrogen

peroxide, and the nonenzymatic auto-oxidation of dopamine

produces the formation of neuromelanin, which potentiates hydrogen

peroxide formation when combined with iron (Jenner et

al. 1992). Therefore, oxidative stress has often been put forward

as the major cause of DA neuron degeneration.

These results suggest that cypermethrin cannot directly induce

the degeneration of DA neurons but can accelerate a toxic

effect on the degeneration of DA neurons in the progressive

hemiparkinsonian rats. It is not clear whether cypermethrin

could accelerate the toxic effects of 6-OHDA or if cypermethrin

could damage only the ongoing degenerating neurons.

In conclusion, we assume that the oxidative stress induced

by cypermethrin can cause the degeneration of dopaminergic

neurons not in healthy individuals, but in the case of degenerative

diseases such as Parkinson’s disease. To determine the precise

mechanism of partial toxic effect of cypermethrin, further study

will be needed.


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